Rural Studio

In addition to our home at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, we keep a rural studio in Woodstock, NY.

Here, we have a place for the kind of hands on-research (digging, welding, sawing etc) that’s hard to pull off in NYC.

When we designed the Freeman-Lowe Bunker outside Cleveland, we got excited about integrating architecture into forested environments. This woodshed allowed us to experiment with weaving into natural vegetation, with micro foundations that work around the roots of the nearby sugar maple and other trees.

The horizontal bands were rough sawn by a local mill. The “V” shapes provide support + lateral bracing and sit directly on experimental foundations that are integrated into the roots, ledge, and typical Catskill field stone.

The micro foundations are (4) 4’ steel pipes hammer between undisturbed roots soil and field stone, and cemented in place.

